
Kindness: Breaking the Domino Effect and Building Resilience

Laura McDonell
3 min readJan 6, 2024

Imagine a row of dominos perfectly lined up.

Now, imagine life as a delicate balance of dominos, where a single tap can set off a chain reaction, leading to a series of negative events. Much like the domino effect, our experiences — rushed mornings, traffic jams, conflicts — can trigger a series of challenges. However, what if we could interrupt this chain, not only preventing the fall but also extending a helping hand to pick up a domino that has fallen over? This is where the power of kindness matters.

The Domino Effect of Negativity:

As one domino falling can create a domino effect, negativity can continue a cycle of challenges. From a hectic morning to personal struggles, life can often feel like a relentless row of falling dominos. It’s in these moments that the impact of kindness becomes noticeable, offering a way to break the pattern and even uplift those around us.

Kindness as a Way of Life:

While kindness may not always be the immediate response when someone has contributed to the falling of one of our dominos. But, building a regular routine that includes kindness can be improved over time. By consistently treating people with unexpected warmth and respect, kindness becomes a natural part of…



Laura McDonell

I am a wife, mother, educator, writer, reader and marathon runner. I blog at Follow me on Twitter at @lmcdonell14