Want to be Present? Watch Movies with Subtitles

Laura McDonell
4 min readJul 8, 2019

During a typical evening, I feel like I am doing upwards of 10 things at a time. I suppose you could call it a form of multitasking. It is not uncommon for me to carry around my phone in order to listen to podcasts, an audio book or even a youtube video while doing laundry, helping kids with homework, researching sports camps, cooking, picking up clutter, planning lessons, and skimming the contests of a few blog posts after a long day at work. Technology provides opportunities to be able to connect, grow personally and professionally and seek out unlimited resources to…



Laura McDonell

I am a wife, mother, educator, writer, reader and marathon runner. I blog at https://findyourformula.blogspot.com/ Follow me on Twitter at @lmcdonell14